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mrnicekid (Offline)
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Posts: 54
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Location: Akita City
01-21-2009, 07:00 AM

listen to nyororin and biginjapan

japanese are people too

i remember the first time i entered high school-collage: i was the only foreigner in class and the first week was terrible because i got no friends to turn to.

but then i started make small chat with people sitting close to me. then they introduced their friends to me and my japanese friends circle widens dramatically.

i also joined them in sports, which is a very good place to socialize and be closer to them.

i played soccer, tennis, table tennis, volleyball and make tons of friends... and i'm not even good at those sports!

then i joined english conversation clubs, and started to make female friends which is very different from the sport-crazy boys.

after that, it's all about invitation to parties, go-kon-s and nomikai-s.

the point that i'm trying to make is that all those 'social successes' starts with a little courage to start small talk with someone you don't know.

being lonely sucks, especially when you're in a foreign country, but it won't help you if you're not comfortable to meet new people.

you have got to have the courage to open yourself up a little bit, because that's what living is all about: opening up to new experiences.

good luck!
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