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Enkidu22 (Offline)
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01-21-2009, 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Ronin4hire
Enkidu actually sided with me and she is from your country.
Well I'm not a girl :P And I'm from Poland not Sweden. Anyways I think that general opinion about feminism is very important. And if this opinion is negative in some countries it's probably because media today search for sensations and controversial opinions. They highlight only very radical feminists or crazy extremists that call themselves feminists. Mainstream feminists are rarely seen on TV because they are "boring". Because of that general opinion is made to think all feminists want to give men holocaust, and this is absolutely wrong. Everybody who do serious academic research about modern feministic movement knows that.

Originally Posted by Wasabista
However, as I've demonstrated in response to Miss Misa's original post, the sociological studies on the phenomenon of domestic violence unanimously point out that women are just as likely to commit, initiate or escalate domestic violence as men. This comes as a surprise to most people, who have been pretty much brainwashed to accept the Duluth view summarized above.
I'll repost what I have written before:

And about the "men are as likely to be victims of domestic violence as women" thing, this cites research by Murray Straus, Suzanne Steinmetz, and Richard Gelles, as well as a host of other self-report surveys. Those using this "fact" tend to conveniently leave out the fact that Straus and his colleague's surveys as well as data collected from the National Crime Victimization Survey (Bureau of Justice Statistics) consistently find that no matter what the rate of violence or who initiates the violence, women are 7 to 10 times more likely to be injured in acts of intimate violence than are men.
But with that being said those Duluth procedures seems like overdoing it a bit.

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