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Banzai (Offline)
Posts: 86
Join Date: Oct 2008
Location: Edmonton, Canada
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02-05-2009, 03:32 PM

That's cool. When I first went to Japan I stayed at a host family. They took me everywhere. We went to the Sakura Festival in Okazaki and also the Mechanical Doll Festival. The daughter and I got really attached and now we call each other brother and sister. I remember when they would take me out and go to sushi bars and udon restaurants. We took a trip up to Nagoya and went to their cool shopping districts. The house that they owned was really modern and nice. On some days the sister would let me bring her and her friends to a park near by. We would play soccer, tag and go on the swings. I really enjoyed my time with them and I try to visit as much as I can now. Here is a picture of them.

Left to right: Kennichi, Sanae, Chihiro and me.

To my amazement, Chihiro could speak better English than anyone else I met in Japan. She was smart and actually beat me at chess. I just explained the rules to her simply and she ended up beating me. I really was trying too (*´Д`). I even let her try my Sudoku puzzle I had with me. She finished it by her self. Well, I just can't wait to see them again.


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