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03-12-2009, 02:41 PM

China's time in the sun will come it will shine and at eventually it will fade this is the way of things this is how it always been done. I dont think my comments will be of any use since i tend to think on a global scale. I am not just concerned about my country but others as well in name of the human kind because boys and girls in the end natural recourses will run out. The world is not moving towards being more independent nations again they are moving closer the web of each country will become so entangled it will be impossible for any nation including China to survive on its on.

The fact is most of are predicting whats going to happen in 5 years but honestly we have no damn clue what will in terms of the financial crises and many other issues. Hell a Russian diplomat seems to think that the US ill split in to 3 different smaller nations and we will have a civil war in 10 years. um ok even the Russian students at the University he was giving a speech at call that bullshit.

The time of one nation being a super power will fade and countries will be forced out of necessity to work together as equals. I dont care what country you live in Japan China the US but if you think you really know what your government is up to you have a rude awakening coming.

My biggest problems with China

1.Quality of the goods coming from there i dont mind buying Chinese products as long as they are safe and there have been too many instances of tainted products making its way on the market. I dont care how much you produce if you product sucks or makes people sick its crap.

2. I have a real problem with some of the Chinese positions in Africa. Africa has been raped by many countries over the centuries and this is one of the many factors which has led Africa to what it is today. The natrual resources of Africa are being sucked up like a vacum and China is one of the culprits.

Those are two biggest problems with China the Tibet and Taiwan issue goes in circles and only pisses me off so i wont even touch it.


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