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fluffy0000 (Offline)
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again sorta not - 03-12-2009, 06:17 PM

As printed WSJ Mar9,2009
According to recent figures from both US CBO 'Congressinal Budget Office' and Bureau Labor Statistics over the next 12 months the US economy will shed 2.8 million jobs.
Business Week: Strip away the billions of toxic assets and the billions more that the feds have pumped
into Citigroup, and what you have is a dandy little bank that actually makes money. At least that was the upbeat takeaway from Citi’s beleaguered CEO Vikram Pandit, who distributed a memo to employees late on Mar. 9 about the bank’s bright prospects, despite the current $1-a-share price tag.
Neo liberalism - go figure. my insert.

China Needs Another $2 Trillion of Treasuries: William Pesek
Commentary by William Pesek
March 13 (Bloomberg) -- A record plunge in Chinese exports may be great news for the U.S. Treasury.
It’s simple mathematics. The U.S. economy is more than four times the size of China’s. Growth in China is wildly lopsided toward exports, many of those goods packed on ships bound for America. So, if China wants to stay afloat, it should spend less money building roads, bridges and dams and more on U.S. debt. That would give the U.S. and its consumers the access to easy credit to reignite spending, much of it on Chinese-made goods.

OK, so that’s not about to happen. China is already spooked about its $696 billion of Treasuries. Their value is subject to the whims of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke.

Last edited by fluffy0000 : 03-12-2009 at 08:21 PM.
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