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(#30 (permalink))
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chryuop (Offline)
JF Old Timer
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Location: Oklahoma, USA
03-31-2009, 12:45 PM

Wooo wooo woooo, slow down every one. That the method is good or not I don't know. That what I am doing is useless or not, I am not sure...I like it and I do it. But I would like to mark a couple of points here:

1: who the heck keeps talking about Japanese kids? Guys realize something, a 4 year old kid speaks Japanese 100 times better that than the average student in this forum. I live in the USA and my daughter has 100% full immersion of English and her English is better than mine. I am also trying to teach her my native language (Italian), but I would never compare her to an Italian kid of same age because they are 2 completely different things. Do not compare how Japanese kids learn kanji and how you learn kanji because you are 2 completely different things...not to mention that a kid doesn't know any other language so doesn't have to go through what it is normal for us: translating!

2: who said one way of learning kanji is the only thing people do? You keep talking about 新聞 and how you know what it is by just knowing the readings. I am not sure how you study/studied Japanese, but I doubt you went on the dictionary and started looking up compound in order to learn them by heart. I, and I am sure other students in here too, study grammar, do exercises and read books. We do come across compound kanji just like you do. The difference is that when it is a new compound I go straight to the dictionary and look it up without having to go and look up the single kanji first. Moreover... 彼は魚の骨が咽に刺さった...五時に私を呼びに来て下さ い, there are many phrases that don't use compounds.

降り注ぐ雨 マジで冷てぇ
暗闇の中 歩くしかねぇ
everything’s gonna be okay 恐れることねぇ
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