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Kayci (Offline)
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04-14-2009, 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
As long as Japanese remains the main language of Japan it will never be taught the same as it is in countries where English is the native language.

If you have ever studied Japanese or any other language that is significantly and fundamentally different from English you will understand that native speakers make assumptions that cover ALL languages that are challenged. It is a paradigm shift that many learners never clear.

One of these is when you see people say "Why does Japan still use kanji? It's so stupid when katakana and hiragana is enough!" Hardly a student hasn't thought it when faced with the seemingly impossible volume of kanji that faces them. I remember when I studied French and Spanish and being completely perplexed by the idea that all nouns have a gender. Native speakers don't have these issues because it isn't a paradigm shift. That's all they know.
You know, I make the mistake of complaining about the kanji a lot. I understand they need it, and that's their way of the written language...
but i complain of wondering why they went with it in the first place...>.>

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