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(#24 (permalink))
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ozkai (Offline)
X Kyoto
Posts: 1,474
Join Date: Apr 2009
05-13-2009, 08:12 AM

I was on the train one night late coming home, and a drunk, probably around 60 year old salary mean kept yawning full open lunging towards a young short skirted gal as he did it on the opposite bench.

I was pretty much him, her and me.

I gave her the nod of security and we had a laugh. He evntually stood up, fell over and his glasses smashed.

Kind of funny really, but then again, four of him and one young sexy girl in a carriage late at night alone, now, I could understand that the girl would feel very un-easy, or just adding to MMM, yes, possibly same applies to younger salary men

Cheers - Oz
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