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wasabijuice (Offline)
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05-27-2009, 03:59 AM

Originally Posted by ACW View Post
Hi, this is my first post on the "Japan Forum" so I thank you for your time and patience. I'm in my third year of college and I am planning on teaching English in Japan after I graduate. For the previous three semesters I have been learning Japanese in class and in my free time. I've been mostly practicing grammar a lot and learning a little Kanji. Up to 200 so far I believe. Anyways my first question would be am I on the right track concerning the Japanese language? Should I keep studying now or wait till I go to Japan? I only ask this because learning another language in your native country can be quite hard.
Learning now certainly won't hurt. But if you've got a decent level now you can relax a little, and work on saving more money if you want, it may help in the long run.

Originally Posted by ACW View Post
Next I've been saving money for Japan so I can rent an apartment, pay for key money, etc. whenever I go. I was wondering what a single room apartment with a western toilet, washing machine, and bath would cost. I lived in a apartment in Niigata but I did not have to pay for it since it was provided by the university I was attending. I have no idea on the expenses
Thats tough, but I would assume 4man/month, after your settled, you can look around more. Try and get your work to cover the key money etc. this way you can move out if you want to.

I never was an ALT but I think they've got it made, 80% of the time.
Never worked for a big Geos type either, but those teachers really bust their arse working,(as opposed to most ALT, sorrry) and I respect that.

I think you'd learn more about teaching from a small school in the sticks, with one or a few teachers. Any owner run school is going care about training you properly, more than worrying about the bottom line.

Originally Posted by ACW View Post
I would like to live in the country-side, the real side of Japan. I've been to Tokyo but I don't want to live in all of that hustle and bustle. Plus I don't think I would learn more about the Japanese language than I will in the country-side. I want to be forced to be speak Japanese haha. I was wandering where would be a great place for me to learn Japanese as well as teaching English where it's most needed?
What kind of weather do you like? How many hours from the neon? etc... more info needed please.

Hope this helps
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