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kenshiromusou (Offline)
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Friends (Nagoyankee), could you help me with these sentences (again)? - 05-31-2009, 07:41 AM

Friends (probably Nagoyankee) , sorry for annoy you again and again...
I have some doubts here; could you help me to sort it out?

1 - クール目突入とともに制作されたポスター。
I didnt understand if "one poster impressed with 3 colors was produced" or 3 posters. I imagine its "one poster". Wich is the correct?

2- 具体的にではなく相性といいますか,[この作品ならば,自分が今まで物作りの中で培ってきた も の を 試せる!]という感じですね。
I didnt understand the first half; does he say : "more than affinity, I felt the sensation I could to use the know-how (all technics) I learned in career" - is it?

3- Miura-senseiが描く絵は,髪の毛にも内に秘めたものを感じさ せ る。
だから,やみくもにキャラクターを動かすというのでは な く,髪の毛だけを動かすことで緊張感を演出したりも し ま した。
"the drawings of Miura-sensei brings to the surface until the feeling we hide under hair" - "For to express it, was used a technic for to show the moviment of hair, and not only the moviments of characters" - is it correct?
is it (髪の毛にも内に秘めたものを感じさせる。) some idiossincratic japanese phrase for to describe a very comovent thing? This is hard for to understand, sorry;

4 - だから,armourとかも二色のところを三段影なんかつ け て い るんですが,そうなると,彩色さんとかは音を 上 げて し ま う ん で す よ。
was used a technic with 3 steps for color the armous and other things with 2 colors? it it? Sorry here, but I never understand well the polissemical meanings of the kanji 影.

5- 自分自身も年齢的キャリア的にも一番脂が乗りきってい ましたし。
He speaks that, in all its career, that one was the period where he got more fat? is it?

Thank you very much and sorry for annoy you with my baka questions.

Last edited by kenshiromusou : 05-31-2009 at 07:47 AM.
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