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lucagalbu (Offline)
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Help with a translation from an anime - 06-15-2009, 08:45 PM

Hi! I'm trying to translate this rules taken from the anime Death Note:
人間は、いつか必ず死ぬ。死んだ後にいくところは、無 である。
I know the translation is: "All humans, without exception, eventually die. After they die, the place they go is the nothingness.

Well.. my problem is that I can't understand it very well:
1)If "death" is "死", then what is "死んだ"? Maybe だ is the plain form of "to be"?

2)いくとこる: I think this is the verb 行く, but what declination is it?

3)無である: de aru: what is it? Is it a declination of です?

E'l naufragar m'è dolce in questo mare di Dirac.
(And to flounder in this Dirac sea is sweet to me.)
Leopardi feat Paul Dirac
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