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FeyOberon (Offline)
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06-16-2009, 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by Miyavifan View Post
Are these worse than in the U.S.? and does it matter whether you're allergic or not?

I'm fairly certain it was a hornet which stung me repeatedly once, and only ended up puffy and red, where I was stung.
Oh, yes, they are worse. An American hornet is pretty much just a hornet unless you are allergic, their sting is like a nasty pinch that swells up and stays sore for a few days. They are kind of mean, but not as bad as some kinds of wasp.

By contrast, a Japanese (or Asian) hornet is a vicious, hateful bastard that has the capacity to kill a person with no allergy. And just to make things more fun, they have absolutely no natural predators.

As for ticks vs. hornets/wasps -- I would trade my hornet sting for a tick bite any day! Lyme disease is actually very rare and only deer ticks are carriers. (Deer ticks are the brown ones with a single white dot on their backs. They are about the size of a capital "O.")

Of course, I'm allergic to bees/hornets/wasps, so it's an easy choice for me.
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