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(#70 (permalink))
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bELyVIS (Offline)
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06-17-2009, 03:59 PM

Originally Posted by mercedesjin View Post

In fact, before the Victoria age, there was no "homosexual." There was just sex and desire. Then, in order to make one group of people submissive to another, scholars began declaring that people who had sex with the same gender were mentally ill. There was a new group - homosexuals were separated from heterosexuals. Now that they've been separated, people can easily discriminate against them.
Where did you get this information? There has always been homosexuality. The ancient Greeks found it more pleasurable for a man to be with a man because they were away from home a long time.
The Muslim religion forbids pre-martial sex with the opposite sex, but since homosexuality wasn't mentioned they thought it to be OK.
The scholars had nothing to do with labeling people as mentally ill, it was certain religions that did (and still do today) that like people who are gay have a choice.

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