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(#120 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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06-30-2009, 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
My tone is scholastic and neutral, just as it would be in any philosophical discussion between philosophers I would have via journals, panels, or online forums. There is no need to read any emotional color into my posts. If there should come a time when I have an emotional response to offer, I will say so, "Such and such upsets me, such and such angers me" etc. There will be an explicit statement of emotional content. You're getting carried away now. I never accused you of being slow. I don't see why you are implying I did.
Noted for future reference, but nonetheless, still awkward to spot in a forum stuffed with other posters who as a rule of thumb operate on the opposite end of the spectrum. Especially on a first time encounter- must have missed your "I'm not forming an opinion" bit.

Secondly, and... this is getting convoluted; I wasn't accusing you of accusing me of being slow. I was saying "Here I am, about to say something which might be another misinterpretation of what you said, but I'm going to offer it up anyway, if only to find out." Clearly wires got crossed again.

Vis 'proverbial', to me this word does not mean what you think it means. "Proverbial" means "relating to a word/phrase/situation directly referred to in a proverb or idiom". That's why your use of it confused me. As far as my experience goes, "the proverbial I' or "the proverbial you' makes almost zero sense. There isn't an obvious idiom to relate 'I' or 'you' to. That's why I asked if you perhaps meant it ironically, but in retrospect, perhaps you mean 'metaphor' or 'representative'.

Enough nit-picking, however, let's get back on to the topic.

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
And until a positive, cause and effect correlation is found between non-rapists becoming rapists and playing these games, I see only one more step towards fascism. A tiny step. An very, very, very tiny step, but that's where it starts. If such a correlation exists, that's another issue entirely.
A fair point, but not one I entirely agree with. There is much mixed research into such correlations, and depending on the study the results seem to go either way. Still, the fact that the population is a vulnerable one, is a culture that possibly would appeal to rapists makes it worth paying attention and giving some risk assessment. I'm not exactly saying the games necessarily make non-rapists into rapists. Look at it the other way around, maybe the rapists or those individuals who would rape (even if they knew it was wrong but just didn't care) would be led to play the games. In which case, the producer should be thinking, "should I really be catering for this? Is this encouraging? Does it send a message to rapists that what they do is, on some level, accepted by society regardless of what the law says. Could it be viewed a subtle flag of support? how does my fanbase operate? Is there a chance the fans who are mere fetishists could be incited by more dangerous fans into committing crime?"

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
Actually, in this case, I meant pederasty as the ACT of, regardless of gender/sex of the participants. While typically associated with men and young boys, here I wanted to clarify that one who is a pedophile need not ever act out their desires.
Hmmm, ok, I think I see where you're coming from. I didn't use 'pederast' as pedophile seemed to be a better umbrella term, but it's true that the one term denotes an actual act and the other a mental condition. I can also appreciate what you mean about correlations between desire and act, however I was simply trying to back up the point I made that there are more male sex offenders than female sex offenders and in general the same trend is evident for child sex abuse cases.
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