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(#20 (permalink))
sardO (Offline)
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Join Date: Jun 2009
07-01-2009, 10:05 PM

Originally Posted by KyleGoetz View Post
Also, for SardO, you realize everyone will be in the same boat as you, right? It's not like you're the only one who will have a hard time. I hardly ever studied in my Japanese class and I never go anything other than an A. It's not like you're expected to gain fluency in a year!

Also, you'll never, ever have a better chance to learn a language once you graduate from university. As you get older, learning languages becomes even more difficult, not only from a time standpoint, but because your brain settles in and cannot learn new languages nearly as well. In fact, college age really is too old, but 18-19 is still early enough for some people to get enough to keep the window of opportunity open.

Learning a second language at 25 or older means you'll likely never succeed unless you're one of the very lucky ones. Or if you move abroad for a long time.
I don't expect fluency in a year, but I don't want to struggle with the course and risk a low mark. Sure everyone will be in the same boat but that doesn't comfort me in any way. Ya, this is probably my best and will probably be my only opportunity to learn Japanese, but I'm still leaning towards not taking it for two reasons: if I don't end up studying abroad, taking Japanese will have been a waste and the risk of a low mark.
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