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(#2 (permalink))
silvergazimon (Offline)
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Join Date: Sep 2008
The rest - 07-02-2009, 02:56 AM

(Had to cut this in half.

The first text.

"Beware, I'm near."

The deep, electronic crackle had startled her some, jerking out of her bed so fast the cover had mostly fell to the floor. Of course that was sent directly to the back of her mind, no passing go or collecting 3,000 Yen, as she could tell it was happening again. Childish, and so beneath her it was happening again. It was hard to believe that it was her, not Tomoe Hotaru, but it was her. It was out of character, it was impossible, it was against some universal canon that dictated that such things would not - could not - happen. But it is happening, right now and right here it was happening.

The boogeyman was scaring her, not young and innocent Hotaru. The voice of a phantom living in the back reaches of her closet that had often crackled, awaking her easily out of the deep sleep. How it was irrational, yet it was happening. She was the dark, she was mean and evil, she controlled an army of humanoids bent on controlling the world, yet that creaking door and those so few words often woken her in the middle of the night. Stupid fears were for children, not a messiah of silence.

Grabbing the edge of the cover she pulled them up as she rolled over, ignoring the thing. Writing it off as childish, like always. "Nothing's there," she would growl, "the girl's imagining things."

"Beware, I'm near."

Something, she could never except, would often pull the covers so close when those words were muttered. It was louder, closer and much more broken then before, like it was every time before. The sense of someone, something, standing in center would be there. It was almost always the same, it calls and then it comes closer each time until...

Stop it!

The messiah laid there, fully awake. Picturing all sorts of things emerging from the closet, clothes that taken on a life of it's own , Freddy or perhaps it was Jason then it could be the lesser mentioned (Beware) Michael Myres (Stop it!), it could be a witch coming to eat her (Stop it! Stop it!). Maybe it was something utterly mundane, like a shark.(I'm) That could be what she was afraid of, a great white shark was hiding in her closet, possibity with the ability to speak and was hold an electric fan (Near) (Stop It! Stop IT! STOP IT!). The shark was waiting, just to sneak out of the closet and just pop her down his mouth.

"STOP IT!" she screamed out into the night, she was shaking. It was the loudest the young girl every screamed, her voice almost cracked and her throat stung from it. She did not realize how tight her fingers were tearing into the pillow or how she was almost in tears, this was something that should happen to Hotaru and not her. She was not a twelve year old girl, she was just using her. None of those childish fears should bother her, not the Messiah of silence.


A heavy sob was heard, she did not want to believe the thing was next to her bed. It did not exist in reality, only in a child's mind.


A child that did not believe in this thing, standing in the light over her bed ready to pounce and take her down his throat and claim her as a meal. It was insane, she should be able to throw the covers off and turn on the lights and...


She should be able to throw the covers off and turn on the lights and...

"I am."

Her voice whined, the lights turned on and she could feel hands on her shoulder. Trying to wake her up, someone was calling her name, opening her eyes the childish imagination had won again. All there was her servavent Tomoe, there was no sharks, Myres, Jasons or even a Freddy in the room. Slipping from the reality and back into the mind she wanted to laugh, she really did. As Hotaru and her father were conversing about a nightmare the dark messiah saw, out of the corner of her eye, that her closet light was on. And, somehow, heard an electric crackle that sounded like, "beware."
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