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Kanji_The_Wanderer (Offline)
Posts: 1,583
Join Date: Oct 2006
Meggis 3rd Post - 03-25-2007, 06:17 AM

The girl seemed awfully nervous. I could tell her mind was racing. Perhaps I shouldn't have dropped down like that. I had wanted to scare her. But now I felt a little bad about it. "An inn you say? Yeah there is one over there I can show you the way. I have been staying there."

"And about these keyblades you ask as well? The keyblade follows the wielder's heart and grows as they do. The blades are linked to some great fate of the universe I am sure of that. And we will have to chose a side one day in a Final Battle.... haha! sorry, I tend to speak non-sense sometimes, I don't really know you or your plans so I will end it there..." I gave her a quick smile and thought to change the subject. I knew a lot more about the keyblades then I let on. I spent a good amount of dedicated time into reading in old archives...

She seemed confused as she stared sown at her own keyblade. She was un-knowledgeable of it's powers. I was definitely no pro at mine, but I did know how to use it efficently. There was no attack that it had that I couldn't bring out to the surface.

" Why don't I show you to the inn and continue our conversation? I am sure you'll find it much more pleasant then standing out here in the cold of the night. The inn has fresh blankets and food all the time." I stept past her and motioned my hand for her to follow me. We walked in silence quickly down some staircases. The inn was one of the only buildings around that had lights on inside. I opened the front door and let her walk in first.

Last edited by Kanji_The_Wanderer : 03-25-2007 at 06:23 AM.
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