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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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Good Keigo Materials? - 08-05-2009, 07:15 PM

I have a friend who wants to study keigo. I only used Yookoso (and courses that used the textbook) and spent a lot of time in a conversation club where I picked up teineigo and sonkeigo to a fairly high level through hours upon hours of conversational practice. (The same holds true for my time spent at university in Japan as well—just practice.)

Thus, I don't know of a lot of other good resources.

Anyone else who has learnt keigo (MMM? others?), I'm very interested in your opinions on various materials.

Personally, I didn't find about 80% of keigo all that difficult (おV-stemになる, etc.), but that 御存知 and "nonstandard" keigo verbs (as well as substitutions like 使用 for 使う and such, if you want to count those among keigo proper) can be tricky for a learner!

So does anyone have any good resources? Thanks.

(As it stands, I'm recommending visiting this site to the person because I think getting feedback is valuable.)

Also, I'm not sure if my friend would be able to use Japanese texts, but I know that natives often learn keigo at university or at work, so maybe Nagoyankee or Yuri can suggest something like that?).

Thank you.
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