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Deviruu (Offline)
Posts: 112
Join Date: Jul 2009
08-12-2009, 09:31 PM

Originally Posted by Nagoyankee View Post
Can't believe I'm doing this.

Get 4 slices of white bread and a tablespoon of milk. Cut off the crust but keep it as it will be used later on. This is for 3 melon pan.

Cut the slices into squares of 1.5 cm x 1.5 cm. cm = centimeter. Go Metric, America!

Toss the bread pieces into a bowl and pour the milk. Stir lightly with hand. Place one third of the bread onto a wrap and clasp lightly in your hands. Do this with the remaining two thirds. This will be the inside of the melon pan. Keep them inside the wrap.

Now the outer crust (the cookie crust as referred to in the video).
20 grams salt-less butter
one egg
one tablespoon milk
150 grams pancake mix

Mix the egg and the room-temperature butter in a bowl. Do not stir well. The butter should not be melt completely. Add the milk. Add the pancake mix at once. Stir everything for just 10-15 seconds.

Wrap the cookie dough in plastic and flatten it to a thickness of 7-8 milimeters. Keep it in the fridge for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes. Take the dough out and cut it into squares of 10 cm. Water your hands and QUICKLY cover the white bread with the cookie sheet. Use dry hands and you will ruin things. You don't have to completely wrap it. Keep the middle part of the bottom unwrapped.

Sprinkle granulated sugar on the outside, and give some cuts on the top.

If you have any cookie dough left, you can make "stick melon pan" with the crust. Just cut the cookie bread into pieces large enough to cover one side of the crusts. Put some granulated sugar on the cookie dough.

Now bake for 13-15 minutes in the oven (180 degrees Celcius).

After 5:10 or so, the video introduces some other alternative recipes, such as adding chocolate chips or Cocoa podwer to the cookie dough.

... My goodness! Thank you so much! You, kind fellow, have made my day~ >W<
Hurray! I'm so happy~
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