Thread: The N-Word
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mercedesjin (Offline)
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08-13-2009, 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by burkhartdesu View Post
It's amazing how much language effects people.

It's like saying "Gosh darn it" over "God damn it".... They essentially mean the same thing -- you imply the same meaning.

Same thing with the word "black". I find "black people" equally as offensive, considering African American's* (p/c :-P) aren't actually black

The very word 'negro' or 'nigger' are early variants of neger, negar -- which derive from the Spanish and Portugese word 'negro', or "black."

*The term "African American" is ridiculous and long-winded -- and in itself is racist because it segregates what type of "American" you are.
I also don't like the word "black." It has the connotation of evil and darkness, whereas "white" has the connotation of purity and innocence. Unfortunately, I can't go around making an entirely new language... but hopefully language will be broken down eventually so that we can just refer to one another as "people."

You're also right about "African American." It's basically saying that black people in American have a double identity, where as white Americans are just... Americans. I think "African American" is slowly becoming outdated, though.

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