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mangafreak (Offline)
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anime - 08-27-2009, 12:10 AM

No, you were right, people who are not open-minded often look down on you and label you as "anime-wannabe freak, don't touch" and just can't wrap their minds around the fact that maybe you JUST LIKE IT BECAUSE YOU DO,AND IT DOESN"T MEAN YOU"RE DUMB!!! Like, I made honor roll last term, and people were all like "Ooh, thats surprising...and im like "What? Why?" And they were like "because all you do is read comic books!" I got so mad! anyway, i've learned that people who don't bother to observe the difference between "comic books/manga" and "cartoons/anime" aren't really worth arguing with.

"Why waste good technology on science and medicine? Play video games instead."
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