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Ryuk999 (Offline)
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08-27-2009, 10:49 PM

Sony PlayStation 3 Slim - 120GB Console reviews - CNET Reviews

personally i find the new PS3 Slim to be quite the improvement for various reasons

1. the processor die changed from 90nm -> 65nm -> 45nm (in the newest slim)
2. the power from 380W -> 280W -> 250W (again slim model)
3. fans are quieter
4. and the power button is still very light to turn no and off even though the appearance changed
5. they changed the HDD placement so that it might be easier to access? lol we shall see, but they did change the warrenty location so no worries about voiding the warrenty when trying to upgrade your HDD to something you'd prefer (as if 120gb isn't enough?)
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