Thread: Cross training
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09-03-2009, 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by tksensei View Post
In light of all this 'what is better' crap, I was wondering who among us has had exeprience touching hands with different disciplines or cross training or sharing techs with different MAs. I've done quite a lot of this and was wondering what others' experiences have been.
It's good to be well-rounded. If I'm assaulted out of the blue, I've got Jiujutsu (the real one, ladies, not this brazilian shit) and aikido to help me out, if it turns into fisticuffs I've got muay thai kickboxing at my back, and if it goes to the ground, jiujutsu, judo, and the brazilian sweaty dick-punching martial arts all keep me covered.

The only drawback to cross training is that you arent likely to be too expert in any one of them, but I'll take being well-rounded and adaptable any day over being ingrained soley in one area.
