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(#247 (permalink))
Realism (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 145
Join Date: Mar 2008
09-16-2009, 11:06 PM

The most important of living in another country should be acceptance of others, and having no expectations of anything, but then again, be prepared for everything. Be prepared that people might not like you at first, be prepared that no one might even wanna hang out with you, be prepared that you might be prepared that you will meet good people and bad people.

I think one should be completely fluent....I mean COMPLETELY fluent in the language, before one can really understand how a foreign country functions, its culture and everything.

I think people who go to Japan should really try as much as possible, hang with the local Japanese people there, learn Japanese, become as fluent as possible as fast as you can....maybe then you can determine if this country fits your living style or not.

When my aunt moved to Japan, she stopped speaking her language, and started learning Japanese 24/7. I mean she wrote letters in Japanese, she listened to Japanese, read in Japanese, spoke in Japanese....nothing else. Literally nothing else. She went to the same restauarant everyday and forced herself to befriend the owner there......and from such communication, her Japanese improved vastly. And now, she's extremely succesful, owns her own business, and has many Japanese friends whom she can confide in.

This, is what you should do, or must do, if you're prepared to live in Japan for a long time. By long I mean 10-15 years if that's what you're planning.

If you're just there for a short period, even 3-4 years....I don't think you can really have a true understanding of Japan in that time.

But are a lot of people willing to do something like that, and just "forget" about their home country.......

Who knows....but then again, anyone can be happy, and stable, and successful in ANY country if they worked hard for their goals.
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