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(#87 (permalink))
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Barone1551 (Offline)
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Location: USA
10-10-2009, 09:20 PM

Yes I do know the difference between a state and country, although I think you mean nation. Or at least that is how I was always taught. I dont think you have to like anyone. Im not trying to say Obama is perfect. I dont think he is perfect. I was more gearing my questions to people who are American, but they can apply to anyone. Here in the US there is a sense of hating Obama for the sake of hating Obama. Even when he does good things he is ridiculed for something. This is what I dont get, hating Obama just becuase your side did not win. Just like when people cheered when the Chicago did not get the Olympic bid. They were happy because something Obama supported failed. It does not make any sense to me. Someone clear this up for me. I dont understand how you cant be at leas somewhat happy when YOUR president wins a prestigious award. Sorry for people from other countries that dislike him. No matter what you think about him though, its hard to deny that he has much more of a international appeal than previous US presidents.

The King wore a crown. Now he is the king of kings.
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