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(#26 (permalink))
dustybunter (Offline)
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Location: Tokyo
10-11-2009, 04:02 PM

Originally Posted by Sangetsu View Post

I assume you have made the general preparations for job searching, but if you haven't, here's what I recommend. First, a navy-colored suit with a conservative tie, a black leather belt, and black dress shoes with leather soles. You should have your hair cut short, and very neatly.

Get an ESL or other kind of certification.

Be confident at your interview. Smile, be direct, and make them think that you are the right person for the job. If they ask you to rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 (5 being best), don't hesitate to immediately say 5. If they ask why they should hire you instead of someone else, simply tell them that you think you are the best person. Don't mention your personal life, whether you have a girlfriend, boyfriend, or whatever is not relevant, and will hurt your chances more than help.
You see, this is my first post, and my findings are totally different to those above.
I work PT for two companies , which I won't name, and have done for the last 3-years or so. This makes a FT salary for me.

I'd lived in Japan for about 2-years before this, getting by on a few jobs on a working holiday visa, then a 1-year working visa.
I'd had a lot of interviews. Guess I was younger and didn't take the work happens when you're enjoying yourself...but bills have to to be paid, so I got myself sorted out.

Anyway, on with the show.
About the appearance issues. My hair is something like Mick Jaggers in the 60's. Coming from England, a lot of people say I'm "like The Beatles". Which one, I don't care. It's a funny remark.
Sometimes something recognisable about you can work in your favour like that.
At one of the places I work, there are also guys with longer, shaggier hair than mine. I've yet to see the fuss about a so-called "sensible" haircut.
Agree with the conservative suit. Black, white shirt. Black shoes and the belt is always the same colour as the shoes.

ESL certification? Don't waste your money, imo.
Look at the jobs that require it. Not so many.
A bit of experience, if you have, should go a long way.
Which, if you don't, then that will leave your personality in the interview to land you the job.
In the interview, any job interview, never say "think".
"I think I'm the best". Rubbish.
You should say:
I'm certain I'm, or I'm positive that I'm, or I believe that I'm...and so on...

The wife or GF thing can work both ways.
If it's brought up, don't elaborate on it too much.
The wife can be a sense of stability.
The GF can be seen as a possible distraction.

Just my little input for my first post.
Take it for what it's worth.
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