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Nagoyankee (Offline)
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11-13-2009, 02:57 AM

Originally Posted by munzy View Post
Hello, as I wrote in my presentation, I need the help for some phrase to translate.... I study grammar with books all my own... so sometimes I don't know how to translate well..
(english is not my first language too) ..
It seems long, but the most is all translated by me... there's only some parts that I don't have idea how to translate well;

today Mr. Takamoto of the bass , cooked rice (??) Cooked rice? No. The speaker and TAKAMOTO had a meal together.

because he seems a woman with his longs hairs and gestures
Because he has long hair and his gestures are woman-like,

たまに女の子と勘違いしてドキっとしてしまうことがあ ります・・・
there's times once in a while when he's misunderstood for a girl...
Sometimes I mistake him for a girl and my heart pounds.

he have taste the powdered green tea eh (??)
He has a taste for podwered green tea.


2) This confuse me a lot how to translate:

昨日夜は久しぶりに会う方々と食事をしたのだけど(男 方です)
いろいろと考えさせられる事が多くて自分自身もっと努 力しないといけな
yesterday night after a long time I had a meal with a person but (is a man) and was discussed many things I think more great not effort on myself and arrangments and more than that ???

He met more than one persons (方々).
Where does it say "disucussed many things"?

"Last night, I had a meal with people whom I had not seen in a long time (all male) and it made me think many things. I felt strongly that I would have to
work harder."

And this:
歌と全力で向き合って自分の心の奥にも光を降り注げる ような歌をうたいたいで
The songs that facing all the energy in the inner part of your own heart
and also I would like to sing the kind of songs like to be downpour by
the light

I don't think you understood the structure of this.

"By tackling singing face-to-face, I would like to become able to sing songs that could pour light deep down in my heart (as well as others')"

3) ヘビ柄
snake pattern Yes.

Since recently I'm very very very very in the boom of the snake pattern

Recently, the snake patten is so so so much the "in" thing among myself.

I have a lot somehow for some reason I'm looking, ???

Before you ask someone, does your translation make sense to you?

"For some unknown reasons, my heart beats fast just from watching it."

??? ???

"What is this?", "What could this be?" Talking about the mysterious excitement he gets form the snake pattern.

水晶と同じで なんか魅かれるようになったんだよね
for crystals is the same I reach the point that you are charmed by that


I didn't want that was impossible to obtain.... (??)

Where do you see "I don't want"?

"(Something) has become an unobtainable sound source."

(会場の物販だと確実に入手できます) (??)

You will go crazy if you try to translate everything you ONLY happened to find. You will learn much more efficiently by trying something that is just a little above your current ability.

"You can get it for sure at the sales (booth) at concert venues."
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