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(#21 (permalink))
darksyndrem (Offline)
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12-11-2009, 07:27 PM

Originally Posted by clintjm View Post
No. I'm not kidding.

Is bandwidth really affected by having 2 or more years worth of posts as some forums on JF already do? I'm a little lost on the bandwidth issue / limit you write of. The question to more as "is there a disk space issue"

Sure there are threads that need to be deleted that are off forum topic, but as I wrote, just because the threads are inactive or the subject is duplicated shouldn't void them for deletion as they may contain content valuable to some seeking such information.

I thought the J-music rules were a bit over the top and gray for the reasons in my original post. "How famous is the artists" is cherry picking of one individual post for deletion.

In this case, why even have a search engine if your only going to have 3 weeks of threads.
The duplicated threads are unnecessary because there are two of them. I understand what you're saying with having valuable information, and which thread is deleted should be taken into consideration based on such information. Inactive threads are no longer useful because they are not being used. These threads only take up space, nothing else. As soon as new member's here start using the search, I'm sure the mods would be glad to know, although they probably won't believe you.

"How famous is the artists", is a bit cherry picky, but it's really going back to being inactive. If only the OP knows who the artist is, it's not any good of a thread. But if they artist is famous and is known by the majority of the members, it's likely to be a better thread. It's really just going back to the inactivity of threads.
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