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(#101 (permalink))
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munzy (Offline)
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Posts: 172
Join Date: Nov 2009
02-01-2010, 03:55 PM

Thank you for the help again...
Yes, now your example it's even too much clear now... but I read carefully everytime the explanations... it's not that I read quickly or superficially... but sometimes english it's ambiguos too for an italian! XD

I did not understand before because there was the last phrase that missing between the " ". so I was scary to have understand wrong...
but now it's clear of course... thanks again

I know, these things are not good to starts to translations... but I really want to translate... it's a thing apart anyway... I'm also study japanese from other books... but from time to time I want to translate also this blog;

Now I go to study again! XD
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