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02-07-2010, 12:18 AM

Originally Posted by JasonTakeshi View Post
I actually donated 20€ euros. Why? Because knowning that those 20€ might contribute to a life changing makes me feel happy.

(Consciously): "...contribute to a life changing...."
(Unconsciously): "... makes me feel happy."

Give me an example where there is NO "unconscious" benefit.

You can't. Because there is none.

Therefore, everything you do, regardless of benefiting or not consciously, will benefit you unconsciously.

I've donated or gave money without feeling anything. Many friends I know have done the same way. I've also refused, but I still feel the same. I believe you're pulling some crap here now. Did you really donate to fell happier? I, myself, donate to help other people, regardless of my feelings. I don't know how you can interpret this situation as selfish but you seem to be the only one able to do so.

Anyway, that unconscious benefit you're talking about is not as significant as your main action. You're not selfish here.

EDIT: Like I said before, you're asking for pure altruism. Go research on that, it doesn't exist. But altruism does. Donating is altruism.

Since when is it immature to talk about pudding? Seriously, do you know the meaning of mature?
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