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(#11 (permalink))
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typing (Offline)
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Posts: 79
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Adachi,Tokyo, Japan
02-10-2010, 12:24 AM

Not to belittle your experience but it doesn't matter where you are (America, Japan, Italy) there are basic rules of saftey whenever you go out drinking, these rules should be even moreso enforced when you're in a country that's not your own.

-Only bring as much as you want to spend plus a little extra "Just in case"
-Have a sober person with you to watch out for you.
-watch your drink.
-Leave your credit cards at home.

Even if your drink wasn't spiked in those tiny cramped bars if you're not watching yourself your wallets could have just as easily been pickpocketed.

Other then that, it's kind of too bad, specially since the police most likely don't care and unless the thief turns your wallet in they're not even going to try to locate it.

I have great faith in fools -- self confidence my friends call it. -- Edgar Allan Poe
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