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IamKira (Offline)
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02-20-2010, 07:17 AM

and if you want to call it cowardly.. let's try to fathom that word... my understanding is that it is to brave all odds in pursuit of a goal even if it means knowingly meeting your end.
he took the hard road for years with appeals to no end.. then he took the even harder road... i for one cannot imagine killing myself... can you?... please.. take a minute before you start calling it the easy way out to consider how you would feel sitting in the cockpit of a small Cessna as you aimed your way towards a lump of glass and steel and concrete knowing you would never be able to drive a car again, or listen to music... or flirt with a cute girl again.. knowing that as you careened into the decadence of "human achievement" that you're existence would be cut off like a vhs tape when the rewind cycle is completed
would it be so cowardly then?

and as for taking human lives.. how many lives do you think you've taken over the years by supporting the american way... how many superfluous wars have we invented.. how many small arms have we dealt to conflicting countries to gratify our incestuous need for money and control?


Last edited by IamKira : 02-20-2010 at 07:20 AM.