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Columbine (Offline)
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03-06-2010, 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Jerry1234 View Post

I keep coming across the following phrase:

...なければ いきません

It seems to describe that something is not permitted, but I'm not finding a good translation/understanding of the phrase.

Thanks in advance.

If i'm thinking correctly, then that いません should actually be いません. Could you show is where you're finding the phrase?

Let's, for argument's sake, assume it's いけません and make a full sentence: 毎日学校に行かなければいけません
This means "(I) must go to school every day." The なければいきません translates to "must". "must not" is expressed as Verbてはいけません. Literally though, なければいきません is just a double negative "If you don't do X (the consequence) will be bad -> you must do X"
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