Thread: My Novel
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(#4 (permalink))
RobinMask (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 618
Join Date: Mar 2009
03-09-2010, 03:21 PM

Originally Posted by AmoOoOoOoL View Post
Thank you for attention
Yes, I'm not very good in English
But I typed languages of Arabic and also I will make my brother
Translated in English to that language his a professor english

But my request is
To be the novel to a movie or anime series
But I do not know how I work on that
I will be grateful if you help me
Thank you
Ah, in that case I imagine you should be fine. Translating is always very difficult, but if he's a professor in English and fluent in your native tongue then I imagine he'll be qualified enough to translate for you.

I'm going to interpret your request as that you seek to have your novel made into a movie or anime series? If this is the case you'd first have to write a script. So take your novel and make it into a script format. Then you'd need to send that script to agents or studios and hope that they will be willing to use your script, (of course the chances of this are very slim, but it's not impossible).

If you're asking to write a novel for an already existing series, then that too is possible. I've read a few novels based on television shows or anime shows, so it can happen. I wouldn't personally know what to do or how to get it published, but I'm sure another user would be able to help you.
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