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Nokutetsu (Offline)
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03-14-2010, 05:32 PM

Thankyou! And yeah, I noticed some mistakes on it, so with most points what I'll do is try and google it for lessons after I get the basic idea from the website. It's mainly used as the list of points I need.

Ah, sorry. I meant gaikokujin. And the last sentence was meant out of context, to be used in any sitation. I was just wondering if I was gramatically correct. But thankyou very much Hatsuto.

Okay, moving on. I just learned the 'ya' function, like 'ect'. So I'm wondering if these sentences I've made make sense.

Watashi wa kinou nihon no biiru ya osake o nomimashita.
Watashi wa gyuniku ya toriniku o tabemasu.
Watashi wa Furansu ya Doitsu ni ikimashita.

Ahh, the internet. Where men are men, women are men, and 14 year old girls are FBI agents.

Last edited by Nokutetsu : 03-14-2010 at 10:49 PM.
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