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Sangetsu (Offline)
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03-21-2010, 12:08 AM

No one needed to print such an article as most people are aware of the facts. Troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan, and military spending on both wars is now higher than it was when Bush was in office. Guantanamo is still open, and there is no knowing when it will finally close. The "stimulus" programs have put our country into incredible debt, while doing little to aid the economy, and rescinded the welfare reform acts begun in the Clinton presidency which were actually very effective.

The "health care reform" program will cost add even more trillions to the debt, while leaving the administration of the program in government hands (and we all know how wonderful the government is at running things), so costs will probably be 2 to 3 times higher than predicted right now.

Obama is well on his way to beating Jimmy Carter as worst American President of all time, but even Carter had higher poll numbers than Obama at this time in his presidency. No president in the history of America has had such low popularity only 1 year into their first term.

We can't forget that before becoming a senator, Obama was a university law professor. For those of you who have spent a lot of time in university, or in the profession of education, law professors usually teach because they are not/cannot be effective lawyers in the real world. There is an old saying "those that can, do, those that can't, teach". A person who has no professional real-world experience cannot be an effective president.

A president is more than just a figurehead. Speeches are just words, regardless of how they sound or how they make you feel. Remember, actions always speak louder than words, and there has been no action whatsoever from President Obama.

A president is supposed to be a leader, the person who sets the agenda of the country, and guides the country along that path. No doubt it's a difficult job, which is the reason why we must be careful in who we pick for the job. The only recent example we have of a strong president is Ronald Reagan. Whether you agreed with his policies or not, he had the personal strength and character to do what he felt had to be done, and he did a remarkable job of getting his agenda across, and accomplishing the things he set out to do.

Of course, the fault does not lie entirely with President Obama. The current system which made the people feel that change was required is the one which needs to addressed. According to the same poll which shows President Obama's disapproval rating exceeding his approval rating also says that 68% of Americans do not plan to vote for any incumbent.

Congress does not want a strong president, they don't want one who will be able to control their choices. They are more than happy with President Obama, but according to polls, people dislike the current congress more than they dislike the president.

If anyone really wants change, they'll have to go to the polls again in November of this year, and not vote for anyone who is in office right now. Our senators and congressmen have been doing nothing to serve the people; they have been serving only themselves at the people's expense. The only way to get change is to show them that the people cannot be fooled all the time (though sadly enough, many can).

A small amount of change has been happening, several senators and congressmen have seen what is coming, and have decided to retire or not to run again in the next election. Hopefully their suspicions are true, and that the people are finally waking up and beginning to care about what is happening in Washington.
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