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JF Ossan
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03-22-2010, 09:22 PM

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
No, I'm talking about everyone being forced to pay for health insurance, and being fined (a pretty large fine for some people) if they don't.
But everyone SHOULD be insured. That's how it is in every other first world country on the planet. If everyone is covered that makes it less expensive for everyone.

Just as you want your neighbor to have home owners insurance and the driver next to you to have car insurance, you want everyone to have health insurance.

Most people will get this through their work. Programs will be in place for those that can't afford it.

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
Yes. If it's for-profit corporations, I can choose not to have insurance. Yes, they do have my health at the bottom of their priority lists, but these corporations do not care about my health any less than the government.
Wrong here. Primary health insurance run by private corporations exists in only one first world country: The US. The idea of choosing not to have health insurance is completely foreign anywhere else in the civilized world. Knowing the cost of health care, why would anyone CHOOSE not to have insurance? That's like choosing to cut off a hand. Yes, you have that option, but why handicap yourself?

And having used health care in both Japan and the US I can assure you that elected officials are more interested in you being alive to vote for them again than for profit companies are interested in paying for your health bills. There are people in these companies that GET BONUSES for tossing people OUT of their programs for having expensive medical problems. Imagine if that were happening in a government program. Heads would roll.

I have received wonderful care in both countries, but in Japan there is no denial of service. There is no bankruptcy from expensive medical bills. There are no expensive prescriptions and insurance middle-men telling the doctor what tests he can or can't give me.

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
So, you're okay with the government having complete control (not that they have *complete* control right now, but damn it seems like it's getting close) over you, your family, and your life? Are you really okay with people that you don't even know, who are don't give a damn about you and are making millions off of your salary, controlling your life?
You are describing what I have right now. I pay hundreds of dollars a month to have people tell me that since a condition isn't life threatening it is not covered. In this case it is a private company that has that level of control. This wouldn't happen with single payer, but that doesn't matter.

What does "complete control" mean? You are sounding like a wild-eyed tea bagger claiming the sky is falling. In no way do I feel like the government has complete control over my life...nothing close to that. Yesterday's vote doesn't change that.

Originally Posted by darksyndrem View Post
Also, Uncle Sam will be helping those who can't afford the health insurance. But, MMM, I'm sure you know who Uncle Sam actually is right? He's the American that works himself to death so that he can put food on the table for his family and pay the bills. Well, a good percentage of the money he works for goes to taxes. Those taxes are what pays for some people's insurance now. It's the hard workers that have to pay for themselves, and then some more for the people who won't work.
The government doesn't pay for people's insurance (unless, of course, they are government workers.
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