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clintjm (Offline)
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03-23-2010, 02:21 AM

Originally Posted by fluffy0000 View Post
So many mistakes and disinformation it's hard to get a handle on the above post.
First off the - Insurance Industry in the United States unless you have been on a different planet these last 18 months have had decades long ride - deregulated and free to operate by both local and state governments 'free reign' to cross state lines and even borders of other countries. The largest Insurance Company on the face of planet -'AIG' went belly up during the last sub-prime housing bubble ( 2007-2009' ) underwriting 'derivatives' and other financial instruments to date the largest insurance company on the planet has recieved over $170 Billion USD to date in is now owned by the US taxpayer. So much for over regulated insurance industry.

WSJ 2008'
U.S. to Take Over AIG in $85 Billion Bailout; Central Banks Inject Cash as Credit Dries Up
Emergency Loan Effectively Gives Government Control of Insurer; Historic Move Would Cap 10 Days That Reshaped U.S. Finance

The U.S. government seized control of American International Group Inc. -- one of the world's biggest insurers --
U.S. government will effectively get a 79.9% equity stake in the insurer in the form of warrants called equity participation notes
So many mistakes and misinformation? What misinformation? If you are going to write this, at least take the time to show where you disagree.

Well your mistake was Health Insurance being the topic; not insurance in general.
Too much Free Market can be a bad thing too, but not taken to the level of control Marxists want.

Car Insurance, free from state line, is doing quite well.

America wasn't the first economic bubbles and they won't be the last.
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