Thread: ACTA Bill
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Sangetsu (Offline)
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04-01-2010, 02:28 AM

This has to do with "innocent until proven guilty". If I am to be punished for illegally downloading something, then let the government do as it does in other criminal matters, collect evidence of my wrongdoing, and allow me to defend myself in court. I should not be punished without due process.

This ACTA nonsense is the government's way of pandering to the entertainment industry. Let's see how much money the politicians who vote for this legislation get in campaign contributions from the entertainment industry when all is said and done.

If this is the "new age", we must remember previous "new ages" such as those which came to Russia, China, Germany, Japan, etc. "New" doesn't necessarily mean "better". You might think this to be nonsense, but it was a desire for "change" which brought these regimes to power. The majority isn't always right, and these previous regimes had ardent believers who were ordinary people. They thought they were doing the right thing, but history proved otherwise.
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