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KyleGoetz (Offline)
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05-09-2010, 02:04 AM

Originally Posted by Tsuwabuki View Post
So far, I think the primary use of こと one should focus on is the first one really mentioned, which is called 動名詞 in Japanese. I often hear sentences like あなたの主事を読むことができません, or "I cannot read your calligraphy." In English, as was mentioned, we usually add ing to make a verb into a noun, but as you see above, the translation may not always work out that way. A sentence that shows this pattern might be スケトをすることを楽しみます, or "I enjoy skating." In that case the こと really is serving the exact same function as the ing.
Yes, this is probably the most important. Additionally, in English we call this the "potential" form IIRC.
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