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Nyororin (Offline)
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05-19-2010, 07:11 AM

I do not want to get involved in this debate as I am truly so far removed from it that I do not believe I could actually contribute to the discussion.

However, having read quite a lot of it, I have a question.

MMM - you say to follow people who are employing illegal immigrants. You also say that it is wrong to just stop people because they appear to be illegal...

I am curious - by what criteria would an employer showing up at Home Depot or the like to pick up workers be judged? How can one be any more certain that those people being picked up are illegal than those in other places?
Or would it be a matter of looking at the employer?

I am finding it hard to see how checking people when stopped for something else is wrong, but stopping employers who may or may not be doing anything wrong and doing a check on their employees (also because they may or may not be illegal) would be alright.

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