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(#29 (permalink))
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Jaydelart (Offline)
Posts: 777
Join Date: Apr 2008
06-09-2010, 12:34 AM

Originally Posted by Aniki View Post
The video doesn't have any particular connection with the cafe incident besides the fact the any cop whether he's on duty or not can be a potential trouble. A cop is just another customer, and the owner has a right to kick him out, just like any other customer if he has his reasons. The 7 & 8 segments of the video made me understand why the owner would want the officer to leave.

Also, I recommend watching all 6 parts. They have even more shocking footages.
Anyone can be potential trouble. People, in general, are prone to misbehaving. However, kicking someone out of a public establishment when they haven't made any apparent mistakes seems pretty unfair to me. Which leads to the matter of whether the officer was even doing anything wrong? Not from what I understand, at the moment. Simply being in or associated to a (legitimate) profession, which essentially seems to be the owner's reason, is grounds for kicking him out? That, to me, meets the definition of discrimination.

And, oh yes, I know quite well how bad cops can be. I've seen most of the videos on the net, and have also witnessed, first-hand, corrupt law enforcement. However, I also know well enough not to judge the entire Law Enforcement body by those bad apples.

There seems to be an eagerness to oppose authority somewhere in all of this, and it's not necessarily a romantically good thing. (Not referring directly to you, that is)
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