Thread: kanji question
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(#9 (permalink))
kirakira (Offline)
Posts: 350
Join Date: Jan 2009
06-17-2010, 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by Tatsuma View Post
im very sorry but im confused
Most Kanji in Japanese have TWO readings. A ON reading which is based on Classical Chinese and a KUN reading which is a native Japanese word retrofitted to a Chinese character.

If you are new to Kanji, learn the KUN reading as KUN reading is literally a translation of the MEANING of the Kanji.

E.g. if you see the character 書, learn the KUN reading かく(kaku) FIRST before you learn the less commonly used ON reading しょ(sho).

Also KUN reading usually expresses very very basic ideas like to Write 書く kaku, to run 走る hashiru, to walk 歩く aruku. ON reading in general expresses very complex ideas like infection 感染, geology 地質学 etc. so for a beginner, KUN reading is much much more useful.

It's just for people with Kanji background, they already know what 書 means and they know the kind of words that character can make so it would be easier to learn ON reading and whack words together like 書類、書籍、書店、書物、書写 because I'm 99% sure they mean the exactly the same thing in Korean or Chinese. I.e. there is a slosh of vocab that is exactly the same in Korean/Japanese/Chinese and you might as well take advantage of it.
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