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(#17 (permalink))
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Columbine (Offline)
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06-28-2010, 11:13 AM

Originally Posted by PockyMePink View Post
I disagree. Visual Kei about self expression, and your own personal self expression doesn't have to be anything more than casual. Sure, there are definately more elaborate outfits than some, but that doesn't make them more VK than a printed t-shirt, armwarmers, and a skirt.
I agree, you can probably compromise and do a street VK style, though you might find it hard to buy the items. Whatever you do, it'll look a little more dressed up than most casual dressers, but it won't have as strong an impact. It's just a matter of taking casual wear and ramping the volume a little as opposed to going full throttle with the real deal. Like instead of the whole head-to-toe, you maybe orientate your outfit around a single statement piece. Albeit I'm not VK, I've had a variety of really outrageous coats over the years, but i get away with them on a causal basis by teaming with a fairly plain (but well cut) top and jeans, but with interesting accessories. I'm basically in jeans and a T, which is comfortable and practical, but it looks like so much more.
Ditto anything else; play that element up and tone down the rest so it really pops, and save your full-dress pieces for special occasions.
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