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Sinestra (Offline)
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07-14-2010, 05:53 PM

komitsuki as usual you took everything i said and twisted it. You just don't get it dude and it was obvious what i was trying to say. I will make it more simple

Dont wish Ill will on people just trying to get by and live their lives with their families. Just because my government doesn't like Iran or N Korea that doesn't mean i wish for their citizens to suffer. Get it?

People vote for their own personal reasons and have every right to chose whom they want to see in office. The previous poster nor I nor you has the right to tell anyone who to vote for. I am not a sheep i don't listen to fox news i make up my own mind. You should know Americas history by now and how this system was formed. Like the role of Electoral Collage whom i don't think we need anymore.

I know your not trying to offend me but id rather be killed face down in the dirt like a dog then to bow down to a king or fascist. Id rather take up arms and die fighting than to have someone tell me how to live every aspect of my life. I consider myself luckier than a lot of people around the world that do not have a say in their country. But i will also agree that democracy can not and will not work in every country for varying reason. Americans are wary of too much government because of our history with England hence American Democracy

Sometimes i get the feeling you would like to tear down an institution in a matter of days causing chaos rather seeing what it can evolve to become. We can sit here all day long argue points of what system is better. I happen to think that every system has it advantages and disadvantages but only in terms of it population and culture. This is the system that the US has my points were directed that goal not to be drawn into a debate over whats wrong with American Democracy.

The OP's post honestly pissed me off and thats why i responded. Ok im done im way to too tired to do think after being up for nearly 19 hours and these kind of debates are irritating which i why i dont visit the Japanforum as much anymore.

Last edited by Sinestra : 07-14-2010 at 06:04 PM.
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