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JF Ossan
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08-12-2010, 12:02 AM

Originally Posted by ryuurui View Post
of course they cannot. They cant even bloody remember kanji in kaisho.

This faint sig, there may be two characters (if any, as it is a strange place to write anything). Perhaps someone has a software for pic. editing to extract it.

The other text is a sig (1st row of two characters on the left, first kanji on the top means 書, in this case "written by") and i believe a name of the pic. Although I am not 100% sure what's written. The first char. of the name could be 不 but there really should not be that first descending stroke, running from right to left. Then again it's a sig. nearly anything goes.
Second seems like 身 and third char. of that name is 者.

I reckon the title reads 音上昇 , strengthening noise, raising noise. 上 in cursive form looks very much like 二
I am curious how you are seeing anything other than 二号 for the last two characters. I have never seen 書 as "written by", but if it is indeed 書二号 it would mean "Document number 2"
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