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hunterofpeace (Offline)
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Join Date: Aug 2010
08-20-2010, 02:10 AM

Thanks to everyone for their insights. I pretty much figured that there was nowhere particularly mild in Japan (or that I would even get my preference if there was). Heck, after reading a lot of comments on here and the JET forum, I am beginning to wonder if I will get accepted into the program at all. I have little teaching experience besides substitute teaching and I feel like the little Japanese that I do know is slowly draining away the longer I am out of school. If I could get accepted just by desire alone I'd have no problem, but my lack of experience makes me nervous. I've heard of people getting a masters just to get into this program. Yikes!

As to the climate concern, I guess the better question would have been "Where are some of the best vacation spots?" Even if I do get stuck up on a mountain somewhere, every now and again I can take a few days break. I really love the thought of "old Japan" and I want to see lots of gardens, quaint inns, and temples. I know I sound like a tourist to the extreme, but a lot of those things are what first piqued my interest in Japan. Is that stuff basically all over or are there certain places that are more renowned for it? Thanks once again,

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