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(#10 (permalink))
steven (Offline)
JF Old Timer
Posts: 544
Join Date: Apr 2010
08-20-2010, 06:24 AM

Originally Posted by MMM View Post
Nobody gave a crap where I went on my vacations or days off. If anything, they gave me advice where to go to see beautiful spots in Japan. A lot of my friends traveled to Asia on vacations, but I liked travelling around Japan.
Yea, I have nothing against the countries nearby, but there is an awful lot to see within the country. I've never travelled to another country since I've been here, although I know a lot of people really like to do that. If I were doing JET for only a year or 2 or something like that, I wouldn't be bothered by what my coworkers thought about me going to other countries... it's a chance that you might regret passing up!

A lot of the teachers at my school have talked to me and helped me find some cool places (they've even asked me for advice which is ironic but another story). However, I've heard teachers at my school, as well as other teachers making complaints which specifically talk about "ALTs" going to asian countries during vacations. I don't quite get why the complaints seem to revolve around "asian countries", but I understand that teachers get frustrated that their ALTs sometimes take off of work in the middle of the year so they can go on some paradise vacation.

I'm straying from the topic (which I apologize for constantly doing MMM), but there are teachers who look down on other teachers for taking trips or time off! That's one of the things that does bug me about Japan. I wish people would relax a little bit about certain things and just enjoy life for themselves, if not for their kids and family, once in a while.
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