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(#20 (permalink))
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spoonybard (Offline)
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08-28-2010, 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by NanteNa View Post
And I'd say you are COMPLETELY off with that.
Explain. You misunderstood me, because you reiterated everything I said.

The reason why I say they are not really viewed as idols is because the VROCK scene is actually not that big in Japan, and I'm thinking in terms of the general public. Also, I wrote "aren't really considered idols", not "they are NOT idols". They are only idols to their fans, and again, the VROCK scene isn't as big in Japan as some people think it is(I used to think this way too, until the president of Cure Media USA said that it's not really big there, and I'm sure he knows what he's talking about).

Also, Gackt is JPopish, and apparently, he is(or was? I don't know, I don't pay attention to Gackt)getting married. Miyavi was seeing somebody, and when he got her pregnant and married her, everybody reacted.... in a very interesting manner. And he was signed on to PSC!! So as I said, I'm sure that VROCK band members, and not just them but anybody and everybody else will do whatever the hell they want in the end.You can think wrongly about me and my opinion and why I have them, I don't really care, but please read carefully before you start putting words in my mouth and thoughts in my head that were never there just because of what you've seen elsewhere, I'm not whatever you think I am.
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