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MissMisa (Offline)
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Going to Japan in 2011 - 08-30-2010, 09:58 AM

Finally, Japan Forum, I will have enough money to travel to Japan in 2011. I did intend to travel this year, however the finances just didn't stretch.

I haven't got anything set in stone yet, because I would like to base my journey on the experience and knowledge from the people of Japan Forum!

Firstly, I'll tell you a bit about myself and then I'd really appreciate it if you could help me decide some of the things about my trip to Japan.

I'm a Student, I'm 19, and I'm interested in Japan because I studied the language at college. I like video games and fashion, and sort of interested in anime. I don't really want to spend all my time in Tokyo, I'm interested in food and culture, and I really want to go off the beaten track and see some unique landscapes. Places that are really nice but no-one really goes, sort of thing.

It will be my first trip to Japan, so at the same time I don't want to end up somewhere completely remote where I'll easily get lost! That wouldn't be good, haha.

I'm also travelling from England, and wondered how much flights are these days and what kind of budget I'd need to set myself for 2 weeks in Japan. I've had a look and it seems the cheapest return flights average around £600?

So basically, here are a few questions I'm sure you've been asked before but would really appreciate it if you could help me out:
  • What is the best time to visit Japan? I'm free from 25th May to the 23rd of September (finish University) so what would be the best time to go between these? I really can't stand too much heat, and similarly I don't want it to be miserable and raining.
  • What kind of budget would you need to set yourself for 2 weeks in Japan, travelling from England? I don't want to stay somewhere like a hostel, just as long as I have my own room and bathroom then I'm fine. I was thinking around £2000 ($3084). £600 for the flight, no idea how much a hotel would cost, then the rest for food/travel etc. Maybe be better to spend £2500 ($3855)?
  • Is there anything worth buying before I go, like a rail pass etc? Any sites or places that are really worth a visit? Please tell me your favourite places.
  • I really like fashion, so I want to know where to visit in Tokyo. Harajuku and Shibuya? How much time should I spend there?
  • What are your favourite hotels? Where have you stayed before that has been good value for money?

That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure more questions will come as I research more! Thanks for your time JF. I've been here for 2 years now so I'm glad I can finally call on your knowledge to help me out.

Last edited by MissMisa : 08-30-2010 at 10:01 AM.
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